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In the Kingdom of Generosity ?

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Once upon a time.......in a far away Land.  Everyone was big hearted and lent each other a hand.  A neighbor was a friend.  A place where Love had no beginning and no end.  It was always there and remained in all hearts with glee.  Everyone loved and because of that was free.  There was no such thing as selfishness, no hatred, nothing mean or frightening.  Days were filled with rainbows and the sun's brightening.  People were charitable, benevolent and good.  No bad was tolerated in the Kingdom of Generosity, that much was understood.  A bounty, plenty, for all, was shared no matter how big or small.  Fairness was open-handed.  Nothing was demanded.  Kindness spoke, it was really nice.  People treated each other as human beings, not as a commodity that has a price.  And if you should ever be so lucky to stumble upon the Kingdom of Generosity........................ I urge you to stay there, join them, and agree.


©Donna H.

June 3, 2013

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