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The old woman with the lilies

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One day an old woman came to the marketplace, with wisdom in her clear blue eyes , she carried her flowers to the table and sat there from dusk till dawn.


On the next day a young couple came around, they were enjoying their youth and with a carefree style asked the lady one question:


"Hello lady, how much are they?"


The old lady answered with a smile:


" My flowers are for free as long as your love will be clear as crystal water"


Both of them took the lilies, the girl briefly smelled them and then disappeared in the night.


On the second day a young man came around, not knowing what gift to buy for his mother.


He asked kind of shy:


"Lady, please, how much are they?"


The old woman looked with a deep look on that young man and answered:


"Took them for free, my son, they are for free for you, as long as you respect your mother and you will care for her".

The man tooked the lilies and a sign of happiness appeared on his face.


The whole village was already talking about the old woman selling flowers for free, sitting there every day, not even eating or drinking much, just waiting for people to come to her.


The next day, it started to rain, the old lady didn't care, she was still patiently waiting there on the marketplace. Suddenly a soldier with a gun was standing in front of her. She was not afraid. He asked , a little bit ashamed of wearing a gun in front of an old woman.


"Hello lady, please can you tell me how much are those lilies"?


The old woman was standing up and with a very strong voice answered his question:


"All my life, son, those lilies costs all my life...as long as there is peace, my garden will grow, if war starts, everything will wither. No longer I could come here and sell my flowers to people of good will".


The soldier had tears in the eyes and returned back.



Lucia Korn.



No war. Stop the war. Save souls. Save love. Peace.

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Deine Geschichte ist sehr schön, wenn nur alle die Waffen niederlegen würden, liebe Lucia.

Ich werde eine Friedenskerze anzünden und in den Fenster stellen. Für die Männer, Frauen, Kinder in der Ukraine beten, spenden, sehen, was man noch tun kann. Es ist alles unendlich traurig!

Liebe Grüße Josina

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  • 1 Monat später...

Liebe Josina,


ja, ganz genau und wir sehen dieses Leid auf eigene Augen und fühlen sich schwer das wir nicht mehr tun können.


Eine bitte an Alle: unterstützen wir bitte mit aller Kraft die Flüchtlinge aus der Ukraine, wir müssen weiter helfen....


Danke Josina fur deine Emphatie und Hilfe.





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