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Spring switches with Summer

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Cloying scent of sweet honeysuckle wafts.

Heat shimmies in tiny waves.

My sandals slap hot pavement.

Humidity slows down movement.


Temperatures ramp.

A heat wave has set up camp.

Light pink cap barely shades face.

I keep walking, gotta find a cool place.


Stand beneath a huge Maple.

This is not May's staple.

Our Spring yanked.

Climate change pranked.


Sweat oozes from every pore.

Wishing myself at the shore.

Now a flaming sun whips.

I chug a few warm sips.


Bottled water heat-infused.

Tastes like a million bucks imbued.

Hydration is key.

Leaning back, silently thank my friend the tree.


Large fanning leaf canopy.

Affords shelter.

Today's a real torcher-scorcher-melter.

Spring's hottest blockbuster.

©Donna H.

May 21, 2022

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