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You came to me in the cold

Asking for my hand

When I was drained of dreams

After a cruel captivity in my deep waters

Invisible to the world

Imponderable to me

You looked into young eyes

Followed meaningless motions

And laid a million glances on sweet lips

Dreaming of the beautiful mind

That might bloom behind these noble walls

But the one thing you did not know

Waiting for me without a word

Was that I had sworn an oath

To never love

So I fled you until I felt

I always carried you with me

And from my empty room

I reached across to you to take your hand.


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mfG Die Moderation 





to be continued soon...

Für Dich Simon, falls Du das irgendwann lesen solltest


Und vielen Dank @foreverinpain für die Inspiration, es tut gut, sich die Gedanken von der Seele zu schreiben.




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