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Liebe, Drogenmissbrauch

Alexander von Baden

Empfohlene Beiträge

Love is a drug


Wandering through the day
my leg starts to shake
my hands are sweaty
and my fingers restless
I can't wait any longer
I have to see you


I'm in love with you
I'm addicted to you
addicted to the feeling
that your presense do
All night long I think of you
every day I'm dreaming too
Only you can give me that feeling
Only you make my breathe go free
Just hit it in my vains
give me what I need


In the past I never knew
what this substance can do
That I really would need it
that I'd become so addicted
that these butterflies in my stomach
would create such tsunamis in my head


I'm in love with you
I'm addicted to you
addicted to the feeling
that your presense do
All night long I think of you
every day I'm dreaming too
Only you can give me that feeling
Only you make my breathe go free
Just hit it in my vains
give me what I need


-musikalische Einstellung; aufsteigend, hektische Melodie, gefolgt von Entspannung (psychodelisch, Anlehnung an 70er)-


Coming out of my trashcan 
seeing the gray world turn bright
everything is possible 
I love my life
overwhelmed by my luck 
I just want you to be my wife 
this should never end 
This should be my life


-langsam wird die Melodie wieder hektischer-


When I'm without you 
I feel powerless 
I am feeling blue
I would kill for this 
would die for this
would die for you 
Just to get another shot of this 
please give me a kiss 


I'm in love with you
I'm addicted to you
addicted to the feeling
that your presense do
All night long I think of you
every day I'm dreaming too
Only you can give me that feeling
Only you make my breathe go free
Just hit it in my vains
give me what I need


You say it's toxic 
not worth it
that we don't deserve this
You don't want to cry
but if you are doing this 
deleting this 
putting me on rehab lists
all you really do is making me


I'm in love with you
I'm addicted to you
addicted to the feeling
that your presense do
All night long I think of you
every day I'm dreaming too
Only you can give me that feeling
Only you make my breathe go free
Just hit it in my vains
give me what I need


I'm in love with you
I'm addicted to you
addicted to the feeling
that your presense do
All night long I think of you
every day I'm dreaming too
Only you can give me that feeling
Only you make my breathe go free
Just hit it in my vains
give me what I need

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