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Empfohlene Beiträge

Lone Fighter

Why Do You Do This To Yourself?

Can’t You See

That There’s No Way Of Finding

What You’re Looking For?


Your Flowers Bloom

Your Future Is A Game

Where You Can’t Lose

So Why Are You Hiding?

You’re Wasting Your Time

Come, Leave Your Cage

And Fly Away

Before You Lose Yourself

In This Endless Forest


Where Ghosts Are Threatening

To Tear Your Soul

But These Ghosts Aren’t Real

And Still You Let Them Rule

Please Tell Me, Why?


Lone Fighter

Can’t You See

That There’s No Way

Of Winning This Fight

Because It’s You

You’re Trying To Kill

It’s You, It’s Yourself


 You’re Standing On A Rock


There Was Wind In Your Hair

Fighting This War On Your Own

Does It Make You Proud?

Do You Feel Like A Hero?


Come, Let Go Of Your Sorrow

And Draw A Line Of Gold

Up To The Sky

And Back Into Your Heart

Be A Lover

Be A Beloved


Please, Don’t Watch Me Suffer

Without A Word

Can’t You See

The Tears In My Eyes

They’re About To Dry


And Then What Will Remain?

Nothing But Despair

Silent, Invisible Despair

And Aching Emptiness


And Lone Fighter

With All Your Weak Apologies

I Don’t Want To Hear It Any More

About You Having Lost The Keys

That Could Open

The Door To Your Heart


Tell Me, Do You Still Believe?

If You Do,

What Are You Waiting For?

And If Not,

You’re Wrong Here

So Give Back Your Life

You’re Not Worth It

Say Good Bye

And Breath Your Last Breath.


I Don’t Want To Be A Lone Fighter

Who Wants To?

Give Up Or Keep Fighting?

I’m Stuck In Between

But I Guess

That’s What You Mean

Just A Weak Apology

Neither Justifying

Nor Promising.

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