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Between Roses


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Between Roses

You said you would die
And I knew you were joking
Just tired and choking
On the Troubles of Youth.

You said you would die
But I wasn't listening
As your eyes were glistening
You were so alive.

I said:
"You won't,
And if you will,
I will bury you
Between Roses."
And I meant it.

You said you would die
You who were a Dancer
Still had all your chances
And you were my friend.

Well, Time made Us Strangers
Years made Me Forget
Didn't see Your Sunset
Didn't hear Your Goodbye.

Yesterday I heard
The Bells of Your Funeral
Singing a Tune
Of deadly Liveliness

And to Your Tomb I walked
In My hands, a Bunch of Roses
For You who were willing to live
For You whose Time was too short.

I buried You


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