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YOU part III

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But you had been broken already

Given everything and lost too much

Now you wanted me to heal all your wounds

And be everything you had lost on the way

But how can a girl be that much?

You tried to catch me like a butterfly

That escapes from your hands once you try

To make it stay

You tried to lock me up in a cage like a bird

Whose colourful feathers please your eyes

And before I could have warned you

You had shouted every secret

Out on the wide ocean.


My tongue was heavy in the haze of those days

And one afternoon when you least expected it

I left without a word.


I waited for something to come

May it be shame, regret or fury

But there was nothing, I was empty

I was drained

And so I lived the days away

Until one day summer arrived

And filled my heart with lavender

Every new day I tried to care

But I really don’t know how to mourn

When summer is upon me.





Bildquelle: Privat.

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