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Goodbyes & Good Reasons


Love, come see me,

Look I’m still alive

and breathing

Because every goodbye

needs a good reason



Remember my words

Remember our best years

Remember us

Find peace

I sure will, someday.


You knew me so well

Now I don’t know

what’s left of us

because all I see is

muted memories.


All of this used to feel so familiar,

Most days I was happy,

And somedays perfectly naive

In strong moments I believed

that we could have been family


We got engaged and

you squeezed my hand

You were my leader,

cheering, and waiting

for our happy end;


But my „yes“ began to fade

through the years

And I became a chameleon

speaking sweetness

to calm your fears


Time had torn our paths apart,

While you were stuck, I worked so hard

Truth was not your song, for sure,

And trauma hit back

like never before;


We became frozen lovers in spring

Now and then thunderstorms,

haze and hostility

You held me too close,

Grabbed me so tight

Cracked my wrists,

the harder I tried,

No exit, you said

And kissed me worst-night


Afterwards I locked the doors

Strong winds of change were rising

Tiny ones still holding on

Trusting those silly kite strings

Until courage came

to cut them off


When I finally

turned your hands down

I was fired

Like the bullets

of a broken love-machine-gun

I desperately spoke

to your anger

in my mother tongue

repeated: I am sorry!

repeated: I’ll get over it!


Look at me, I got over it,

and now I honestly think

you are not the person,

I owe an apology.


As I am reframing the images of

our beautiful love story

I continue to write my story

Sometimes I'm still unsure

whether it is a good one 

to tell


But here’s my truth:

When I left you,

I left everything I knew, so far.

I learned that

loving someone

means committing,

means trust,

means giving

And also giving up

at times


Learning about love

meant letting you go,

Because not having control

was the most

haunting place I know



Your love gave me shelter

You were my safe space

Your presence still feels incredibly


past tense,

so present


Now there you go,

packing your suitcase

for the unknown

But I guess

these walls

are now supposed to build

my home


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